Engagement Letter

This letter forms an agreement between you and Kristian Hall (SRA regulated 807107) trading as Law IQ.

Particular points, including about your legal rights and protections, are highlighted in this letter.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns about our agreement with you, or if there is anything that you do not fully understand.

1.              Scope of work

1.1           This engagement letter shall apply if you have instructed us to act for you.

1.2           What we will not do. Other than as expressly set out above or agreed by us in writing, we will not undertake any other work for you, including but not limited to:

·       Advising you on the financial or tax aspects of this matter or on your wider tax or financial interests. You agree that you will take your own independent tax and financial advice on the matter, where required, and will inform us if it affects our work on the matter.

·       Advising you on the law of jurisdictions outside of England and Wales.

·       Giving you accounting or commercial advice (including on the viability and prudence of this matter), even if a relevant issue arises during the course of our work together. You may wish to seek separate specialist advice on these matters.

·       Reminding you of any dates or deadlines, or advising you on any legal developments, occurring after the end of our engagement.

1.3           Additional work means additional charges. The information about our charges (fees, disbursements and expenses) provided in this letter has been prepared based on an agreed scope of work. If you instruct us to carry out additional work, you may incur additional charges. Where possible, we will provide you with an estimate of our anticipated charges for any additional work before carrying it out.

2.              How long will it take?

Any time frame provided by us is an estimate and is based on the following assumptions:

·       You:

·       provide us with clear, timely and consistent instructions;

·       respond fully, frankly and quickly to our requests for information; and

·       co-operate with us and those we instruct on your behalf.

·       The information that you provide to us is full and accurate, to the best of your knowledge and belief.

·       You comply with your obligations to us, as set out in this letter and its enclosures, and respect our decision not to do something for you because it would breach our legal, professional or regulatory duties.

·       You provide us with any required sums on account of costs and pay our invoices on receipt.

·       The scope of our instructions does not change.

·       The matter proceeds smoothly with no unanticipated complications, disputes or conflicts of interest.

3.              Your legal team and fees

3.1           Key staff. The key staff working on your matter are:

Kristian Hall - Hourly charging rate: £200 plus value added tax (VAT)

Although we prefer to agree fixed fees rather than bill hourly, if a fixed-fee is not agreed services will be billed in six minute increments based on the pro-rated hourly charging rate set out above.

4.              Disbursements and expenses

4.1           Disbursements, expenses and VAT. All hourly rates, estimates, fixed, capped or staged fees we quote to you are exclusive of the following, which you must pay in addition:

(a)        Disbursements. Acting as your agent, we may ask others (such as barristers, enquiry agents or expert witnesses) to work on your behalf. We may also pay official fees or carry out searches for you. You will be responsible for associated charges and costs (disbursements).

(b)        Expenses. In addition to our fees, we charge you our expenses which may include the costs of:

(i)          travel;

(ii)         document production (scanning, photocopying and binding);

(iii)        payment transfers; and

(iv)       support staff overtime.

(c)        VAT. We charge VAT at the current rate of 20% on our fees and, where applicable, on disbursements and expenses, unless expressly stated otherwise.

5.              Who we act for and your right to terminate this agreement

5.1           Who we are acting for. In this matter, we will be acting for you alone or your organisation. You are our client, our agreement is with you and our advice is intended solely for you. We do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than you and you will remain responsible for payment of our invoices. Where we have more than one client in a matter, we can require any of those persons to pay our invoices in full (this is called joint and several liability).

5.2           Your rights to terminate your instructions. You may terminate your instructions to us at any time by telling us in writing. You must pay all charges (hourly fees or a reasonably pro-rated fixed-fee, disbursements and expenses) incurred up to the point of termination, as well as any necessary charges incurred after termination. We can retain your documents until you pay.

6.              Communicating with us

6.1           How to contact us. My email address is legal@lawiq.co.uk

6.2           We will communicate with you by email and telephone. Unless there are documents that we need to send to you in hard copy, or reasons to meet with you in person, we will communicate with you by email and telephone. You agree to do the same and acknowledge that there are inherent risks with email communication and that we are not responsible for loss or damage caused by email use, provided we have taken reasonable security measures. If you prefer another method of communication, please let us know as soon as possible.

7.              Confidentiality

7.1           When we may use and disclose your information. We will keep any confidential information we obtain through our services confidential, but we reserve the right to use and disclose it to provide you with our services, comply with law and regulation (including by carrying out conflict of interest searches and anti-money laundering and related financial crime prevention procedures), or otherwise with your consent. For information about how we deal with your personal information, please see our privacy notice as published on our website.

7.2           Protecting the confidentiality of our communications with you. We are not advising you on whether, and to what extent, legal privilege (the right to withhold documents from third parties and the courts) applies to your communications with us. However, if you communicate with us through third parties or share our advice with third parties, any privilege attached to those communications and advice may be lost, so that they are admissible in court. You should therefore be very careful when discussing your matter with anyone outside of our solicitor-client relationship.

8.              Concerns and complaints

8.1           How to complain to us. We hope that you are happy with the service we provide. If at any stage you have concerns or wish to make a complaint, please contact me.

8.2           You can ask the court to assess our charges. If your complaint is about our costs, you can ask the court to assess our bill of costs under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974, subject to certain time limits and conditions.

9.              How we limit our liability to you

9.1           Liabilities not excluded. Nothing in our agreement with you limits any liability that cannot legally be limited.

9.2           Losses we are not liable for. Subject to paragraph 9.1, we will not be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty or otherwise, arising under or in connection with this agreement for any loss arising as a result of:

(a)        our complying with our legal and regulatory duties, such as delays or disclosures arising in the context of compliance with anti-money laundering or financial crime prevention legislation;

(b)        circumstances beyond our reasonable control;

(c)        loss or damage caused by email use, provided we have taken reasonable security measures; or

(d)        failure of any bank.

9.3           Limits on our liability where other advisers are also responsible. Subject to paragraph 9.1, our liability to you shall be reduced to the full extent of any fees charged.

9.4           Caps on our liability. Our aggregate liability to both you and to any other client for whom we are instructed in this matter is limited to the fees charged.

10.           Next steps

By obtaining our services you confirm that you have read, understand and accept the terms set out in this letter.